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Sleep & Soup

I’ve been seeing a wonderful accupuncturist! I’ve always gone on and off, I started again this time due to a bought of vertigo. He always checks my pulses to see what areas are not where they should be. My 2 big problems lack of sleep and digestion, not so much nutrition but my digestive system isn’t up to par!
“The quality and strength of your digestion governs the ability of your body to properly absorb the nutrients from the food you are eating. Without a healthy, well-functioning digestive tract, free of digestive problems, even the best dietary habits will do you little good as your body struggles to process the essential nutrients locked away in your food.”
I immediately went into fix it mode…more salad, lol! But he gently told me to feed my system warm foods because any food eaten or served cold tends to disrupt digestion to some degree. Our bodies are very warm (98.6 degrees Fahrenheit) and our stomach needs to heat everything we eat up to this temperature for optimal digestion. Eating cold foods puts enormous stress on our digestive system and causes us to only partially digest what we eat, which as you know, leads to digestive problems.
I also crave sweets ALWAYS and have a lot of bloating so through my research, I self diagnosed that I may need to take digestive enzymes to help my system. I told him about my research and he said the main thing that will help my digestion is…..SLEEP! Huh? I was confused! He went on to tell me about all of the healing that’s done when our bodies sleep. He told me to get proper sleep every night and see how much changes with my digestion! He also said, yes, digestive enzymes can help but can make the body lazy. Once I stop taking the enzymes things would go back to where they were before or possibly worse.
Now I should have been happy with being told to go to sleep but that’s the hardest thing for me. Turn off the computer, put down my phone and HEAL!
How Digestive Problems are Formed:
+ Not Chewing Properly
+ Excess Liquids with Meals
+ Antibiotics
+ Excess Juicing and Raw, Cold Foods
+ Excess Sugar in the Diet
+ Excessive Consumption of Artificial Alkaline Water
RX…Sleep and Soup 🙂

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